Mike Gadbaw

Bicoastal parent, grandfather to four, aspiring athlete, author and entrepreneur

Posts by Mike

Memo to the President: I am not illegal… and by the way, I should be able to run for President

Posted on April 2nd, 2012

Memo to the President: I am not illegal… and by the way, I should be able to run for President   As you consider how to revamp our immigration and naturalization laws, I want you to consider my case.  Okay, I will come clean – I was born in Germany – but then I have always been rather open about that.  I was always proud of the fact that my father was in the US Army serving in Germany in 1947 when my mother came over from America with my brother and sister to join him.  I showed up nine months later and three months after that we all took a troop ship home.  (Barely enough time to develop a taste for beer.) My…

Glacier Peak

Posted on July 24th, 2010

The email arrived around Father’s Day from Kate and Ben. There it was – a picture of an imposing mountain—Glacier Peak, fifth highest mountain in Washington State at 10,500 ft. The note said: “This baby has your name on it.” Food for thought. Climbing was arguably in my physique, if not in my blood. My legs are like tree trunks and weigh in about 50 pounds each. They need to get out and have been somewhat neglected since Mike’s wedding. A good climb might do them good and the prospect could kick start my triathlon training. How hard could it be? Ben wouldn’t get me in over my head and he was so impressed by my 40-mile bike ride in Sonoma. I’m in, I…